Founded in 2000, IMAGESLIVE is a unique photo agency which focuses on the most dangerous and complex conflict-torn areas
Editorial Guidelines
International Photo Media (IPM) and IMAGESLIVE are a worldwide independent agency for journalistic photos, news, film documentaries and its journalistic Importance is due to its neutral stance, since it is not attached to any specific group or party. It is based in the UK, and relies on exclusive photos from the heart of the most significant events worldwide.
IPM and Images live rely on a totally neutral and impartial stance to inform. It strives to be present in all the situations without supporting or favouring any of the parties involved in the conflict, thus making its utmost effort to provide photos and footage from all sides of the conflict.
IPM and Images Live does not make use of any expressions to portray a special view. Therefore it does employ words such as “terrorists”, “extremists”, “criminals”, “heroes”, “martyrs”, “brave ones”, in order not to be judgmental and to rely only on a neutral written language.
IPM and Images Live publishes and delivers his images, videos, news reports, and film documentaries according to international legal norms and adhering to high professional standards. In its work, it upholds human rights principles, the freedom of the press, the freedom of opinion. It makes clear its independent procedure of decision in the publishing of information, and does not take side with any party of the conflict.
IPM and Images Live publish and distribute images, news, videos and documentaries in order to provide an objective picture of what is happening in the world. By publishing the images, videos, etc. it does not aim to cause incitement towards discrimination, racism, hatred or to spread inflammatory propaganda. At the same time it does not aim to incite violence, to cause fear, traumas. It always take care to make sure that the material published follows the principles of equality and justice; that it always respect the dignity of the persons portrayed in them; that it does not incite discrimination or encourage racism.
IPM and Images live adhere to the spreading of the photos from the heart of the event, from war torn areas, and areas subjected to natural disasters with professionalism and speed. It strives to provide true evidence in the specification and explanation of the images and work in general.
The agency will not, in any circumstances, spread photos of executions, killing, and retribution of war prisoners. The agency will not show the face of war prisoners, even when the war prisoners themselves request that.
IPM and Images Live may publish images which may be alarming, frightening and bloody from wars, areas of conflicts, and of natural disasters. It aims at showing the reality and not to traumatize or frighten the viewers.
The distribution of its images by the agency to press agencies, newspapers, magazines, and internet websites, means that Images Live is not responsible for the changing to the specification of the images after they are re-published from the above press agencies, newspapers, magazines, internet websites or other publishing sources.
The agency adheres to provide photos of excellent quality, with the correct information, the true date and place, and to provide true evidence for the material provided.